-PKing gear (ex: black dhide, cheaper strong weapons) [nobody is going to pk in full armadyl if ranging, nor will they use a chao cross)
-More agility courses, reduce xp on gnome, balance the courses out to make the higher leveled courses more rewarding)
-Better NPC's for money-making Thieving. Warrior woman is very low thieve req, yet she yields the most cash?
-Familiars such as Dragons, Monkeys, Raccoons, Ferrets, etc. that follow you around
-Make use of multi-combat summoning npcs such as adding steel titan
-Implement Slayer
-Lower price of Primal. The weapons are hardly better than promethium/chaotic, and cost 1b each
-Add Max Hood, make the max/comp hoods change colors accordingly (same as capes)
-Skillcape hoods
-Prayer renewal pots
-Rune Crossbow
-Ability to craft your own jewelry, ex: Fury
-Altar for use with bones
-Give Dragons better drops, and ONLY keep them in the wilderness. This will start PKing.
-Increase boot drop of Glacors